The Future of Taking a Leak
Have you ever thought how we could improve how we take a leak?
Intro: I’m going to talk from a strictly male perspective since….I’m one.
In the spirit of kaizen, that is, of continuous improvement, we should always be striving to think of ways to make our life more efficient. We have made great advances to the world of manufacturing by the ways of kaizen. But have we ever thought to improve our lives by it?
Peeing is one art we hardly have advanced at.
How did we take a leak again? First, you walk to the urinal, unzip your pants, pull out your gentleman appendage, then you go about your business. After you finish, you zip your pants. After that, hopefully you follow through by walking to the sink, and wash your hands. This is backed by research.
How is it so bad? Well it could always be better.
If you think about it, the act of taking a leak and then washing your hand is somehow redundant on its use of resource. You wash your urine with water, then you walk to the sink, and you wash your hands with a different water source, hopefully. Water, in this case is used as an agent to cleanse both your hands and the urinal. How clean the water is, is an issue when you are washing your hands, but not so much when washing down the urinal.
This begs the question. Why can’t we combine both process so we only have to use water once? You can wash your hands with clean water, and use the water you just used to wash the urinal. This saves water by using it once to do two stuffs at once.
There is actually an easy solution for this. You just take a leak in the sink.
But that’s actually pretty gross.
But that actually makes sense.
Fortunately, there is a more humane approach to this predicament.
Enter the “Stand”. This magnificent piece of invention is the creation of one Kaspar Jursons, he dubbed it the “Stand”. And they have distribution centers all over Europe.
This sink-urinal combo is the answer. The answer was so simple yet we all fail to see it and had to wait for this dope Latvian to make it a reality. With this, after you zip back your pants, you wash your hands while simultaneously washing down the urinal.
How is it good? Here are how is it good:
- Water saving,
- space saving,
- effort saving,
- (I hope) helps you feel obliged to wash your hands.
According to this report by the Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences of University of Florida, a high efficiency urinal uses half a gallon (that’s about 1,8 liters) to wash the urinal. This saves about that amount since the amount you will be using will only be how much with you wash your hands. So the only issue here will be to wash your hands using the most responsible amount of water.
Second, it’s space saving. Indeed, by combining two infrastructure into one it roughly cuts the space you need for public toilet by half. Hell you should also install this at your home, your wives and daughters will understand.
And it’s effort saving. With this you are not making wasted movement such as walking to the sink just to wash your hands while you can do so without moving with this sink-urinal combo.
Lastly, somewhat I personally think is the most important. With the sink right in front of you, you are hopefully more likely to wash your hands after you go about your business. With this sink-urinal combo, if you are not washing your hand, chances are you are also not washing the urinal, which is nasty.
Don’t be nasty.